Monday, June 17, 2013

Hansa White Lion Cub Stuffed Plush Animal, Sitting

 Hansa White Lion Cub Stuffed Plush Animal, Sitting Hansa is respected the world over for its finely crafted collection of our planetÕs animal kingdom. Originally created for exclusive European collectors, each plush animal is meticulously handcrafted from portraits of real animals in their natural habitat. By themselves, or paired with other Hansa Animals, these marvelous creatures make wonderful best friends for children, adults, and collectors alike. In addition, interior designers the world over often turn to Hansa animals when designing unique, one-of-a-kind spaces. Display them in groups, or use their large, signature animals to set the theme of a room.HansaÕs chief designer pulls from his background in anatomy when researching each animal. The fabric used for the spotted and striped animals is all custom designed to HansaÕs exacting specifications in small quantites. And all of the fabric used is hand-cut from intricate patterns and hand-trimmed by Hansa artisans, never stamped out by machines. An average of 42 seperate p

Get best deals for Hansa White Lion Cub Stuffed Plush Animal, Sitting its awesome bicause recommendation by many previous buyers. so i know it will make you happy to get the best deals for Hansa White Lion Cub Stuffed Plush Animal, Sitting Click here for detail sources also find other reviews

Hansa White Lion Cub Stuffed Plush Animal, Sitting

  • 14" L x 8" W x 10" H
  • Hansa Animals are proudly made in the Philippines by world-class artisans using only high-quality materials
  • Each Hansa Animal is individually hand-crafted in limited quantities from portraits of animals in their natural habitat
  • Each Hansa Animal includes an educational ÒAnimals that TeachÓ tag describing the animalÕs natural habitat
  • Most Hansa Animals have pliable wire frames inside, allowing you to actually pose the animal

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Hansa White Lion Cub Stuffed Plush Animal, Sitting

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